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First build - first big hurdle
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Author:  Robbie_McD [ Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  First build - first big hurdle

I started my classical build a few weeks back; working off of an LMI serviced kit.
I got my top braced and the neck attached, so it was time to have a look at the sides.
Rats! The pre-shaped sides have experienced spring-back, to the point where they are no where near the desired profile. Oh well....
I found a pretty good link on how to build your own fox-style bender....that is my (unexpected) project for the day!

One other little glitch was the machine heads - I ordered Shaeller "lyre" style units. After cutting the scroll to the Torres shape as per the Hauser plans, the test fit showed the lyre portion extended past the scroll... The Hauser style are more compact and the same price...will have to order another set...

Author:  Stephen Boone [ Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First build - first big hurdle

As far as the sides, you could certainly use a torch and hot pipe to massage things back into shape. This is much faster than the fox bender. The other side of that is that If you make a fox bender you will have it for the next build!!!!

Sorry about the tuners not fitting, I have been in that general vicinity.

Have you glued the top to the neck yet? If so, I would elevate your building board with some permanant feet and gently clamp the neck to the board to make sure no lateral stress cracks the top or otherwise ruins your day. If you have not glued up yet, I would still anchor everything to be safe.

I also like to build a mold to store the sides in. Even if you don't use the mold during the build it will help hold things in place.

I think that what you have done looks great!!!

Author:  Robbie_McD [ Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First build - first big hurdle

Thanks for the tips Stephen!
And yes, you were bang on about simply reshaping the sides with a hot pipe. I went to the trouble of building a Fox - style bender but it did not work well - the lower bouts did not get anywhere near hot enough. No worries, it will work just fine when I get a heat blanket for the next build. For the pipe-style bender, I went to the auto parts store and picked up this very cool 2" chrome exhaust tip. Worked like a charm first time out - followed the very thorough instructions in the Stew-Mac site.

I am almost ready to join the top:

Author:  Stephen Boone [ Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First build - first big hurdle

That is one super shiny bending pipe you have there. The build is looking real good. I am glad that I could help you.

Author:  Darryl Young [ Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First build - first big hurdle

Great idea on using an exhaust pipe tip for bending. Was it tricky rebending the sides? I've read about case hardening and wondered how difficult it would be to rebend. My sides could use a little cleaning up to fit my mold better.

Author:  Robbie_McD [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First build - first big hurdle

It was very easy to rebend the sides - I just soaked the sides in the bathtub for 30 minutes, heated up the pipe with the propane torch and eased into it. I left the torch on a slow simmer while bending and managed to get through it without scorching. I will pick up a surface thermometer for next time to monitoir the pipe temperature for next time - my digital kitchen thermometer maxxed out at 200 degrees F...

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